Saturday, August 11, 2012

Interfaith Alliance observed tenth anniversary of 9/11 in Ocala

When the Twin  Towers fell peoples of the world  from Times Square to Tehran came together as one as they repudiated the evil of a few until that evil  was met with shock and awe upon the birthplace of  Abraham and some say of civilization itself.

Upon the tenth anniversary of that horror hundreds of residents of Marion County -.

Hindus, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Baha’i ,  humanists and others across   the spectrum of  faith and non faith traditions - came together once again   to recreate the oneness of all at a  9/11  service of remembrance, hope and healing at the First Congregational United Church of Christ. 

In an event sponsored by The Interfaith Alliance of Marion County  laity , youth and  religious leaders read from the tenets of their faiths while singers offered the balm of music  in a  liturgy of candles directed by Dr. Harold W. McSwain, pastor of the host congregation.

Homilist Dr. Scott Olsen, professor of religion and philosophy at CF, called upon us to consider  both the golden and the silver rules  - universal  variants of “ do unto others as   you would have them do to you”   found in all ethical traditions.

Those attending left the sanctuary singing euphorically “let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me” as they moved to the fellowship hall where they lingered for some time in an  expanding circle of  hope and  friendship.

The Interfaith Alliance is grateful  to all who participated in an exhilarating evening of enlightenment, tolerance and good will reflecting the basic goodness of most human beings.  This includes the Ocala Star Banner for its very generous publicity expressed through its community liaison Mary Baggs and the artist who transformed my sketch into an ad of somber  beauty and quiet  drama

Please join with us as we  continue to work locally  to  build common ground thus helping to  transform our  small part of a  torn and broken world with love, justice and respect for the inherent dignity and worth of each and every human being.

Delphine Blachowicz Herbert

The Interfaith Alliance of Marion County

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